Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - Week 2

I am so bad at this.  I am practically already behind on my 2014 Pinterest Challenge. 

This week I attempted “The Christmas Card Book.”

This had to be one of the first crafts I ever pinned on Pinterest when I joined several years ago.  I LOVE receiving Christmas cards, especially photo cards, and I think it is always such a shame to toss them in the trash at the end of the season!  I particularly like what some of our friends and family did this year by including a little “scrap book” of pictures and descriptions of what they did throughout the year.   How fun! 

Hence – The Christmas Card Book – a hole-punched "book" of all the season’s cards we received.

I started out with my supplies: Binder rings, a hole-punch, and all of our cards

I then organized the cards in piles by size so I could get an idea for the smallest/biggest size cards

In order to make sure I hole-punched the cards in the correct spot, I punched one, and used it as a template for the rest

45 min later...

Voila! Our 2013 Christmas Card Book:

I am really happy with the way it turned out! 

I know I mentioned how much I enjoy receiving cards, and I usually enjoy sending them out as well, but this year Christmas snuck up on me and I did not make our usual photo Christmas card :(  I will do better next year!  And I might even include some of our 2014 high lights! - says the village idiot 

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