Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesdays at Ikea

So I know this isn't a Pinterest craft or anything, but I am trying to get back into more consistent blogging.  Spring weather has arrived in Maryland and it is too beautiful outside to stay indoors at all - especially after the winter we've had! 

Today I'm going to clue everyone in on a free event you can take advantage of in Baltimore. A friend told me about this a couple weeks ago and today was a rainy, nasty day so I thought it was the perfect time to try it out. 

The great store of IKEA offers free meals for kids every Tuesday! Now, we already like going to IKEA. The chic furniture and inexpensive home furnishings make it a great place to go to look for things we need for our home. They also have a pretty cool selection of wooden toys and overall fun things to play with.  Since they offer free meals for kids, I conveniently showed up around 11:30AM this morning and Little Lady and I wandered around the magical world of perfectly designed furniture ensembles and ended by playing in the kid section with all the toys for purchase. 

We then headed to the cafeteria for her free meal!  

Now, I may have brought a peanut butter & jelly sandwich and pretzels for Little Lady and I may have eaten her free meal...A little cheap I know but you gotta get creative these days! - says the village idiot 

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