Monday, September 22, 2014

My Return

I know, I know.  I have not written a blog post in 3572039571038702935 days.  That is a rough estimate.  

Between getting pregnant, being super nauseous for 3203984232093843 days, and all the while caring for a toddler, I did not blog.  I am sorry.  

I also have not completed any Pinterest crafts.  I probably never will again.  Just kidding.  Kind of.  

Here we go again, with 2 months left in my pregnancy before life changes again with another little girl making her debut.  

Baby Girl Kok #2 is scheduled to arrive December 24th.  Sorry Little One, we have doomed you to a life of forever receiving the joint birthday/Christmas gift.  Hopefully you find fulfillment in the many other joys of life. 

For the sake of not even knowing how to recap the last 4 months, below is a cool thing I saw on a blog when I was pregnant with Little Lady and vowed I would fill it out religiously the next time I was pregnant!  So here is my first pregnany Q & A:

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: Eh. about 15 pounds
Stretch Marks: None! Hallelujah 
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much everything I wear 
Sleep: Ain't nobody got time for that!  Just Kidding.  I sleep pretty well.  Thankfully Little Lady likes to sleep a good 12 hours which means mama sleeps a good 10 hours
Best moment this week:  Going to Totswap with my mama and great-grandmama and scoring some awesome things for Little Lady and Little Sister  
Miss Anything? Wine, sushi, being able to look down and see my waist...
Movement: All.The.Time.  This kid is probably going to be a kickboxing dancer
Food cravings: Italian dressing, preferably over a bed of iceburg lettuce, the reject of all lettuce
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not Particularly
Gender: Girlie girl!
Labor Signs: Nothing definitive, except some very strong Braxton Hicks contractions!
Symptoms: I would not call myself a complainer in ordinary life, but this pregnancy has brought about some rather strong symptoms...backache (I am sitting with a heating pad as we speak), heartburn, overall achiness, and reminders of being 2 years older this time around
Belly button in or out? Kind of in, kind of out.  I can't explain it
Weddings rings on or off? On! 
Happy or moody most of the time? Mostly happy, though if you ask The Hubby, he would probably say moody task-masker.  So much to do! So little time!
Looking forward to: Little Lady's 2nd birthday party.  So much to celebrate this past year
Showing?  I should say so  

So that's that.  Stay tuned for more funny stories coming up - says the village idiot 

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