Thursday, October 9, 2014

29 Weeks

29 Weeks! And counting! 

Little Lady then decided she wanted to be in the picture.  
She ran in, grabbed my legs, and smiled! 

She then decided she wanted to show off her belly.  
Below is the progression of Little Lady's "belly shots" 

How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain: 18 pounds and counting 
Stretch Marks: Nada
Maternity Clothes: It is that awkward fall weather that starts cold in the morning and I end up sweating by lunchtime.  I know that doesn't answer the question, but right now I just wear whatever I am coolest/most comfortable in 
Sleep: Sleeping well!  Lots of weird dreams but no other sleeping ailments 
Best moment this week:  My second-to-last swim lesson with Little Lady.  I will be sad to see it end!   
Miss Anything? NOT having heartburn in the evening! 
Movement: Constantly 
Food cravings: Mint chocolate icecream!! Get in my belly!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: Nothing yet 
Symptoms: So much heartburn 
Belly button in or out? She moves so much right behind my belly button that I think it is taking on a new shape! 
Weddings rings on or off? I only ever wear my band but it's still on!  Hoping it will make the trip to the hospital with me. 
Happy or moody most of the time? Mostly happy
Looking forward to: Celebrating Little Lady's birthday this Saturday at a local farm! 
Showing? Yes. Just yes.

10ish more weeks to go! - says the village idiot  

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