Monday, June 15, 2015

Happy 6 months Little Cecilia!

Happy 6 months to our sweet blue-eyed beauty!! We CANNOT believe how quickly this past 6 months have gone (minus the first 2 months which felt like an eternity).  

Likes - So many things! She is "playing" more with toys, aka. putting them in her mouth; She is still nursing almost every 3 hours during the day so I would say she still loves to eat! She loves sitting up, rolling over, and playing in her exersaucer, aka. "the office".
Dislikes - We started solids this past weekend and surprisingly she didn't seem that interested!  So far she has held a cucumber to her mouth, touched an apple, and gagged on some yogurt. Maybe we will try a banana tomorrow...
Favorite things about Cece - She is so easygoing. I am know I have said that before but she really does have the most easygoing personality.  She is fine being held, or sitting in the stroller.  She likes to eat every 3 hours, but doesn't mind being stretched to 4 or even more.  She rarely cries and overall just goes with the flow.  
Weight - 16 lbs 5 oz!
Height - 25 inches
Clothing size - 12 months!  Her chubby legs are just too big for anything else! 
Feeding - Still eating every 3 hours during the day, but since we have started solids, I expect that to lengthen out a bit
Sleep - I start to nurse her to sleep at 8pm and she is usually in her bed by 8:30pm.  She sleeps through the night, usually waking up in the morning around 8am.  Thankfully Alexia sleeps in until 9am most days so I have an hour with Cecilia in the morning, just the two of us. 
Milestones - Rolling over all the time; reaching for everything; starting solids; pushing herself up and learning the motions to start crawling! 

Go ahead Cecilia, you eat the owl. You're 6 months old now. - says the village idiot 

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