Thursday, March 6, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - A Science Experiment

This weeks' craft is not so much a craft as it is an experiment.  

My supplies:

Green onions, a pineapple, glass cup, ceramic pot, potting soil

(This experiment was actually pretty cheap - the green onions and pineapple are from the grocery store; the glass from my kitchen cabinet; the ceramic pot from my personal gardening collection; and the potting soil from the Dollar Store!) 

You might wonder what craft I am going to make with green onions and a pineapple...but remember, I said science experiment, not necessarily craft.  I am going to attempt to grow several of my favorite grocery items in my bay window.  

Step 1: Cut tops of green onions

Step 2: "Plant" green onion roots in water in a cup

Step 3: Place in sun and wait to grow!

I have no idea if this will work but I do use green onions a lot when cooking 
so I thought I would give it a try!

Now for the pineapple!

Step 1: Cut top off of pineapple - your guess is as good as mine as to where to cut it

Step 2: Pour desired dirt into ceramic pot

Step 3: "Plant" top of pineapple in dirt - to be honest, I just sort of placed the pineapple on top of the pile of dirt.  I have no idea if that was right.  

Step 4: Place in sun and wait to grow! 

And there you have it - my two experiments, catching some rays.  

Now you might remember what abundance came from my garden last year. We can only hope this crop yields a better return - says the village idiot 

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