Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our Backyard - the Last Frontier

I grew a garden this year.  I planted seeds and watched dirt all summer. 

I had lofty goals of growing a garden the moment we moved into our house last spring.  With indoor home improvements and a big-ol’-baby-belly, I did not get around to planting a garden.  When this spring rolled around though, we were ready!  We went to the FlowerMart in May to learn about seeds and plants and dirt.  We bought some seeds and felt adequately prepared.  I also read some blogs and tips on pinterest, which basically makes me an expert. The Hubby built me a fantastic raised bed to grow all the delicious veggies we would be eating all summer.  

I had already decided which neighbors and friends I was going to humbly dish out my veggies to, since “we would just have too much for ourselves!”

Yeah – about that

The picture below is our harvest this year: cucumbers, strings beans, and carrots.

Please note the string bean – oh, you can’t see it?  Here, I’ll zoom in for you:

My carrots surprisingly did the best, even though, no, fellow gardeners out there, I did not plant them in sand.  They probably did so well because they were hiding under the ground from my bad gardening juju.

I chalked this season up to a learning year.  I am not giving up.  I learned that you have to water the plants, preferably in the morning, and that it is best to start my seedlings indoors and then move and plant them outdoors in late April/early May. 

I did HOWEVER, successfully grow blueberries earlier this year!  We got about 5 blueberries from our two bushes! Score!! (They take about 2 years to actually have a bountiful season, so next year I am expecting plenty of blueberries for pies!) 

I will feed my family with the fruits and veggies of my labor next year! – says the village idiot

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Kristina! I have killed many-o-plants in my days and have officially decided that I am NOT a gardener. I even killed our wedding tree {oops!}
    Thanks for sharing! ;-)
