Wednesday, September 4, 2013

We're Back!

The Hubby has been working out near the west coast the past couple weeks so the Little Lady and I flew out last Thursday to spend the long holiday weekend with him. We decided this would be a fun time to take a mini-vacation to California to do some hiking and sightseeing.  Little did we know that we wouldn’t do very much hiking, due to the forest fires ablaze in Yosemite and Lake Tahoe.   We still had a great time though!  We made memories sipping wine and stomping grapes at Sterling Vineyards in Napa Valley, taking in the sights along the 17-mile drive and Fisherman’s Wharf in Monterey, hiking in Big Sur State Park among the giant redwoods, and hiking along the coast in San Francisco. 

Little Lady did great on all our flights, which was a huge relief to me!  (As well as all the passengers of our flights)

Life's adventures never go without hiccups though, as I experienced the morning of our departure.   I will spare you the picture (yes, I did take one) of Little Lady’s crib when I went into her room to wake her up that morning. Little Lady and her entire crib were covered in throw-up, yes throw-up. 

Did I mention we were leaving for the airport in 45 minutes?!?

Sometime in the middle of night she had gotten sick without me realizing.  Cue mama guilt.  I felt horrible.  She felt horrible.  It seems the berries I had given her for dinner the night before did not “sit right.”  I stripped her clothes, stripped her bed, all while keeping a close eye on any more possible events.   I nursed her briefly, and was about to get her dressed, when I realized I could not take her all the way across the country smelling like throw-up.  (you’re welcome airline seatmates).  After a quick bath and quick breakfast, we were back in business and the Little Lady was laughing and back to her old self.  I was only mildly traumatized by the event.  

So began our trip to California! 

Some pictures are below for your viewing enjoyment!

Stomping grapes 

Riding the Sky Tram to Sterling Winery on top of the mountain 

The Lone Cyprus, 17-mile drive  

Giant Redwoods in Big Sur State Park

Our first bottle of wine from Napa Valley  

San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge 

West Coast sunset - gorgeous!

What a blessing it is to experience God's creation with the loves of my life.  Even in the middle of the throw-up debacle, and adventures on numerous flights with a 10-month old, I still am in awe at how blessed I am to live this incredible life.  - says the village idiot 

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