To recap, my fixed bottom retainer that had been in my mouth for years, broke off on one side, and The Hubby had to help remove part of the wire. He did this semi-successfully, but left a sharp piece remaining.
The next day I called my dentist first thing in the morning, and thankfully they were able to squeeze me in that same morning. I rushed to my emergency dental appointment later that morning directly after the no-towel incident at the YMCA. Little Lady sat in her stroller while my dentist filed down the remaining sharp piece of wire, and tried to get off the glue that remained behind. Since I had already traumatized Little Lady enough for one morning, I didn't push my dentist to work too hard to remove the glue because I assumed I would be there later that week to put in a brand-spanking-new fixed bottom retainer. It was only after I made a joke about "this costing $6000" that my dentist laughed along with me and said "oh not $6000 but probably about $600". Excuse me. $600. I was kidding about it being that much! My dentist was not kidding.
I left the office in a haze and somehow managed to make a follow-up for the next week, ignoring the potential hit on my wallet and our bank account. I also left with glue still in my mouth and visions of my bottom teeth immediately shifting and become a mangled mess.
For one week, I went back and forth about getting a new fixed retainer. I rationalized that my teeth probably wouldn't move, or at least not that much. I rationalized how much I really didn't love having a fixed retainer and how badly it irritated me to floss around it and the sharp sensations I felt after the dental hygienist
This was turning into a nightmare.
The week of my appointment, The Hubby convinced me to "shop around" for dentists who could put in a fixed retained for a less offensive price. I laughed at him and told him that was impossible. There was no way someone could do it for cheaper.
The first dentist I called could do it for $450. Hm. That was cheaper.
By the 5th call, I was down to $150.
Now I should clarify, most dentists I spoke to don't actually "put back" fixed retainers. This type of retainer (so I learned) was never truly designed to be in someone's mouth forever after having braces. Mine just lasted an exceptionally long time. So my new option was to get a
I made an appointment for 2 days later and was excited my teeth would no longer have the opportunity to shift out of place!
I arrived at my new orthodontist and was a bit perplexed by a sign on the door that said Pediatric Orthodontist. Hm. That didn't seem right. I opened the door to find cartoons on the waiting room TV, and a small kids activity table available with toys. Hm. That didn't seem right.
It was then I realized that I was in fact at an orthodontist for children. I am sure they were wondering why this knocked up teenager cares so much about her teeth, and were wondering how the heck I had braces 11 years ago. The orthodontist saw me with no issue and even made a comment asking if I was having a girl or a boy. I was fitted for my retainer while sitting between children on my left and right.
Word(s) to the wise - If your bottom fixed retainer pops out, avoid using pliers to finish it off. When making a dentist appointment, take the time to shop around for someone who can do the procedure for a good price, but don't hesitate to ask if their normal cliental has gone through puberty yet - says the village idiot