Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Pool! Swim! Towel!

Pool! Swim! Towel! These are a few of my favorite things!...or so Little Lady would say.  Now this is a complete 180 from the summer.  This summer she wanted nothing to do with the pool or water, other than the bath.  We went to the beach many times and she did not want to get in the pool - with us, or in the baby pool.  She loved the sand at the beach but did not want to get into the water.  

We finally turned a corner at our family vacation in Hilton Head, South Carolina at the VERY end of the summer.  She actually GOT IN and enjoyed it!  

This leads me to our current weekly adventure at the YMCA - swim lessons.  I was hesitant all summer to enroll her because she seemed to hate the water, but I capitalized on her fond memories of family vacation and signed up the day we got home.  I have not regretted it!  

Now I should mention, not only did Little Lady learn to love the pool, and love swimming, she fell in love with her towel - an ADORABLE personalized towel from Pottery Barn that I received as a gift right after she was born.  Did I mention it's adorable??

We don't use it for the bath so it is her special pool-only towel.  Is this coming across? She loves the towel.  

Enter our first swim lesson at the YMCA 3 weeks ago.  I had taken a general tour the day I signed up so I knew where to go, where to change, etc.   I dressed us both in our bathing suits that morning and we showed up at the pool in our bathing suits, with all the necessities like swim diaper, wipes, change of clothes, EXCEPT - you guessed it - towels. None, not her special pool-only towel, and no towel for mama.  Whoops. BIG whoops.  

I decided not to let this deter us from the blast we were set to have.  Swim lessons started off great.  She loved the water.  Temperature was good.  Instructor was funny and great with kids.  It all went downhill about 25 minutes into the 30 minute group lesson.  Around minute 23 Little Lady started asking for her towel...Around minute 27 ****someone**** pooped in the pool.  I am not accepting blame for Little Lady, though I did change a very poopy diaper moments later...I digress...

We exit the pool and the tears start.  Fast forward 20 minutes and I have successfully changed an extremely poopy diaper, and dried my screamingbloodymurder child with bathroom paper towels and my bathing suit cover-up, and gotten us both dressed.  If there were medals for mamas, I should have received one in the mail that afternoon.  

We have since gone back for 2 more lessons and Little Lady didn't seem scarred from the Towel Event.  Though when The Hubby asked Little Lady how she liked her first lesson, the only words she could get out were "towel, towel, towel."  Yes, mommy gets it, I forgot your towel and will not do it again.  Or at least I haven't forgotten again yet! - says the village idiot 

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