Sunday, September 8, 2013

Potty training at 11 months

**Disclaimer! This post makes reference to poop!**

Still here? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Let me preface this story by saying that we usually give Little Lady a bath every night as part of her routine (bath, book, nurse, bed).  Recently, with some summer evening events, we have started giving her a bath every other night.  Tonight was an “on” night.  Bath time usually lands on my resume, but occasionally The Hubby will pitch in and throw Little Lady in the tub.  After begging asking for a couple minutes, The Hubby agreed to take point tonight.  About 20 minutes later, from the upstairs bath, I hear the following:

“Oh no. Oh no. She’s pooping. She’s pooping right now! In the tub! I can’t do this. I can’t do this.” 

I rush to the bathroom to see, that yes, she has indeed pooped in the tub.  I should also clarify at this point, that Little Lady likes to recline while bathing, READ: I still use a baby bath tub so she doesn’t slam back and break her skull.  SO, please understand, when I say she “pooped in the tub,” she actually pooped ON her mesh bathtub.  I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

The Hubby has since vacated the bathroom the moment I came on to the scene.  Instead of doing the intelligent thing and PUTTING LITTLE LADY ON THE TOILET RIGHT BEHIND ME, I wait, you know, to make sure she’s done. 

She wasn’t.  I will spare you the details, but she wasn’t done…pooping. 

After about an eternity 3 minutes, I come to the revelation that THERE IS A TOILET BEHIND ME. 

Well, she was done. 

There is poop on my hands, poop on Little Lady’s back, poop on/squished into her tub, and The Hubby is nowhere to be found. 

Fast forward an eternity 5 minutes, and The Hubby has returned to the scene of the crime, the tub has been scrubbed and disinfected, the baby bath tub has been scrubbed and disinfected, and Little Lady is enjoying a nice, warm bath again. 

I think The Hubby is scarred for life. 

Moral of the story – if your child is literally going to the bathroom, in the bathroom, utilize the toilet.  That’s why its’ in there. – says the village idiot

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