Wednesday, March 12, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - This is for the Birds

This is for the birds - no really - this craft is for the birds.

Little Lady loves birds.  She does not actually say the word bird yet, but whenever we see one through the window, or outside, or in a book, she points excitedly to let me know what she sees.  

We have a bird house that I put out each year.  No bird has yet to discover what lavish living accommodations it would be, but don't worry, every year I hang it from the same branch, on the same tree, just in case.  We also do not have any sort of bird feeders, so I thought this was the perfect week for such a craft.  

Normally Little Lady is asleep during my projects but I decided she could assist on this one.

My supplies: 
Peanut butter, bird seed, twine, toilet paper roll, kitchen knife, hole punch
Step 1: Punch 4 holes into the toilet paper roll

Step 2: Spread peanut butter all over toilet paper roll

Step 3: Coat peanut butter roll with bird seed

Midway through this process, Little Lady got too close to the birdseed and before I knew it, she had grabbed a handful and stuffed it into her face.  After fishing all most of the birdseed out of her mouth and checking the back of the birdseed bag for poison labels, we continued on.  

Step 4: Pull twine through the holes and tie

I ended up only using 2 out of 4 that I punched in the beginning.

Step 5: Hang outside!

Don't mind the dreary-looking weather - we got some bad rain and wind this afternoon and evening and the sky looked rather ominous as I took this picture! 

After I hung up this birdie delicacy, we waited for the flocks to arrive...

I even pushed Little Lady closer to the window while she ate dinner so she could gaze at the birdies that were sure to come flying over.


I'm going to chalk it up to the storm and the wind, but no birdies made their way to our yard this evening.  I brought the birdie delicacy inside but it will return to its' fencepost tomorrow morning just in time for breakfast!  

Let's just hope word hasn't gotten around about the massacre that took place in our yard not too long ago!  - says the village idiot 

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