Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Animals on Parade

At the moment, if my life had a theme song, it would be "All About That Free," set to the tone of "All About That Bass." 

I'm not saying I'm necessarily frugal because we still spend money on what we want to spend money on, but I love getting free stuff, or practically free, and I love taking advantage of all the free stuff Baltimore has to offer. 

One amazingly free thing that we could go to everyday...is...wait for it...the library!  

I know I have written other posts about all the library has to offer, such as Storyville, but there are just so many great things about the public library.

(Now as The Hubby likes to mention, the library isn't technically free because we all pay taxes, BUT you know what I mean!  If my taxes are going to keeping up the library, I might as well take advantage of it even more then!).  

At the end of each month, I log onto the library's website and check out all the events scheduled to take place the following month, and write them into my calendar.  These include weekly Storytimes, but also include special events, almost all free.  

A recent event I added to my calendar was called "Animals on Parade."  The description was stated as "an exploration or animal movements, colors, and sounds, including live animals such as a rabbit, duck or goose, box turtle, and perhaps a toad or snake."

A free animal show?! It went on the calendar.  

I had no idea what to expect but fortunately the library is within walking distance of our house, and it didn't interfere with Little Lady's nap time, so I had nothing to lose.  

We arrived that morning and shockingly, there were only about 3 other kids there!! I had invited a couple mama friends who arrived shortly after, but it was a very small group.  The animal guide proceeded to open up her little cages of animals and talk about each animal, as well as walk around so each child could touch the animals.  It was great!  Little Lady got to touch a huge rabbit, hedgehog, box turtle, toad, bearded iguana, corn snake, and another larger snake.  She was so brave and loved it!

Animals on Parade at one library is good, but Animals on Parade at 2 libraries is even better!! A couple weeks later, a different library in the county was offering the same free demonstration, so we went!  Similar animals, but this time, Little Lady got to hold a snake - and by hold, I mean the snake was wrapped around her and she was holding him up all by herself!  She once again was very brave and adventurous! 

If you have kids, or watch kids at all as part of your daily routine, I would highly recommend all the free programs and activities that the public library has to offer.  We have not been disappointed! - says the village idiot 

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