Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy One Month Baby Cece!

Happy One Month Sweet Baby Cece!

In some ways this month has flown by, but in other ways (the middle-of-the-night-feedings kind of ways) it has gone by so slow! As bittersweet as it is to no longer have a newborn in our house, it is so exciting to see the growth and development that takes place in one short month.  

In honor of Baby Cece's one month birthday, some pictures are below from her newborn photo short, taken 2 weeks after she arrived.  

Cece's One Month Stats

Likes - Eating, sleeping, being held/worn in Moby Wrap or sling
Dislikes - She is pretty happy and easygoing! She gets a little cranky if I don't hop up in the middle of the night to feed her 
Favorite things about Cece - Her cute little features. She is a cuddle bug! 
Weight - I'm guessing mid 8 pounds 
Height19+ inches 
Clothing size - Officially out of newborn (I'm actually not as sad about this as I was with Alexia - it means we survived the hardest month together!) 
Feeding - Every 3 hours, day and night, with one 4 hour stretch sometime in the night 
Sleep - Sometimes she falls asleep right after eating, other times she is awake for a bit. It's very sporadic 
Milestones - she has great head control and doesn't mind tummy time at all! 

Happy birthday sweet baby! - says the village idiot 

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