Monday, March 9, 2015

Happy Two Months...3 weeks late

I know, I know. My child is almost 3 months old and I am JUST getting around to posting her 2 month stats.  Oops.  Between getting strep throat, The Hubby getting some sort of weird stomach bug, and in general not leaving the house for fear of more germs, it has been a short and long couple of months! But without further ado - the stats for our sweet Cece! 

Cece's Two Month Stats

Likes - Eating and taking naps in her swing 
Dislikes - Well, this isn't pretty, but gas.  The poor thing gets gas and we having to "drug her" with "gas and colic" drops.  
Favorite things about Cece - Her smile and easygoing personality 
Weight - She clocked in at 11lbs at her 2 month appointment! 
Height - 19+ inches 
Clothing size - 3 months
Feeding - Every 3 hours, day and night, with one 5-6 hour stretch sometime in the night 
Sleep - We started her on the E.A.S.Y schedule (Eat.Activity.Sleep.Yourtime aka momma time) She sleeps in pretty predictable naps.  At night I still hold her/feed her until about 10pm when she falls asleep and then we both go to bed 
Milestones - Sleeping longer and longer at night.  Hooray!  

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