Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Three Months Cece

Cece's Three Month Stats

Likes - Taking walks in the stroller, napping
Dislikes - She rarely cries and is so easygoing.  I cannot think of one thing she "dislikes"
Favorite things about Cece - How she stares at Alexia sometimes, her sweet smile and laugh which kind of sounds like she is gasping for air...in the cutest way possible
Weight - She's ginormous.  Probably 20 lbs. We haven't weighed her recently but I'm guessing 12-13 pounds  
Height - We have no evidence that she is growing in height...only in girth...so I'm guessing still around 19 inches
Clothing size - 3 months
Feeding -  Every 3-4 hours during the day AND...
Sleep - drum roll please - SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME - 10pm-7am.  It was glorious.  Though (view discretion advised) my boobs felt like they were going to explode by the morning. 
Milestones - Did I mention sleeping through the night?? okay okay, so she may have only done this once, but still, it's a milestone!  She also rolled over which pales in compression to glorious sleep.  A milestone for mama this week...at 3 months post-partem, I can officially fit back in my pre-pregnancy clothes.  Hallelujah.  I was giving myself until April before I bought all new pants so I just made the cut!  I should totally include this in Cece's baby book right!?! 

On a side note - we are loving the nice weather and being able to be outside!  These past few months of winter have felt like years!  Welcome spring! - says the village idiot 

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