Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Happy 8 months Cecilia!

So I am a little more punctual with this month's post!

Happy 8 months little one!

Likes - Laughing at her sister. Sitting up. Playing with toys. Bath time. Basically she loves life. 
Dislikes - She is starting to develop a personality and this involves crying for .2 seconds when I am keeping her up to play when she would rather be sleeping.
Favorite things about Cece - Oh my goodness, she is just so stinking cute!  We love everything about her! Her sweet smile, her appetite, her easygoing nature, we love it all!
Weight - 16+ pounds
Height - 25+ inches
Clothing size - 12 months
Feeding - Every 3-4 hours during the day
Sleep - Nurses to sleep at 8pm and sleeps until 8am the next day.  
Milestones - Sitting up!  JUST starting to crawl.  Eating more and more real people food.

It is hard to believe the summer is winding down, and with that our baby is nearing the 1 year mark.  It is FLYING by.  All parents say it, but it is the TRUTH!  Having little kiddos is such a joy and such a blessing.  - says the village idiot 

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