Friday, October 2, 2015

Happy 9 1/2 months Cecilia!

Happy 9 1/2 months Cece!!

Likes - Eating, Playing with EVERYTHING Alexia is playing with...
Dislikes - Getting smotherhugged by Alexia 
Favorite things about Cece - She is so stinking cute!  She is so easy going and very adventurous 
Weight - 17 1/2 pounds
Height - 26 inches 
Clothing size - 9-12 months
Feeding - Nurses around 8am, eats breakfast at 9am, nurses again at noon, then real-people lunch, nurses to go down for her nap at 2pm, dinner at 5pm, nurses to sleep at 8pm.  
Sleep - 2 naps during the day, and nighttime sleep from 8pm-8am.  
Milestones - Dedication to the Lord on August 23rd at Horizon Church of Towson; She is starting to crawl! She now has 4 teeth - 2 on top and 2 on bottom; She is also standing up on everything!  

It is going by TOOFAST! Slow down time, please, I beg of you! - says the village idiot 

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