Monday, February 22, 2016

Happy Birthday Cecilia! 14 months and counting

I know, I know.  14 months!...So I might have missed the last 2 birthday months...oops.  It surely doesn't mean we don't love every minute that Cecilia is in our lives - making us laugh and bringing us so much joy.  

We celebrated Cecilia's first birthday with a Birthday Brunch at home, complete with donuts, homemade hash brown cups, sausage and egg roll ups, a yogurt bar, fruit, 3 quiches, and mimosas! Though she won't remember the details, we hope she will always remember the love that surrounds her and knows the blessing she is to our lives! 


Happy birthday Cecilia!


And one more for good measure - who can resist a baby crying on Santa's lap????

We love you Cecilia and are so excited for this next year of your precious life! - says the village idiot 

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Stitch Fix 101

So about 4 months ago I signed up for Stitch Fix, logged on, filled out the 40 3 page questionnaire, and then proceeded to not push SEND until about 3 weeks ago.  I received an email from Stitch Fix waiving the $20 styling fee, and therefore had NO obstacles in my way for trying this revolutionary way of purchasing clothes.  I scheduled my first Fix and it was delivered several weeks ago. Consequently it came on day one of potty training, so it was basically like a gift from God.  

Spoiler alert! - I ended up not keeping any pieces, BUT I felt like the stylist did a good job figuring out what I wear normally, while also trying to stretch my style. I didn't quite understand some of the pieces (insert flying-wombat looking poncho), and I specifically asked for two items (a tunic for leggings, and tan booties) which they didn't send it all! I would absolutely do it again, and recommend it, especially if you don't have the time to shop, or like me (have the mental capacity to put together cute outfits). I've included a picture of each piece for your laughing pleasure. 

The 5 pieces they sent were:
1. Purple skinny jeans - super cute, but kind of pricey and a little too much a statement for my wardrobe 
2. Navy blue blouse - It was a little more fitted than I prefer to wear
3. Infinity scarf - cute but I already have an infinity scarf I love, and with a minimalist wardrobe in mind, it was returned
4.  Wombat poncho shirt - I didn't even know what to make of this...great in theory (I guess), absolutely ridiculous on 
5. Striped "baseball" tee - no no and no.  Insert - I am NOT pregnant, but this piece made me look about 4 months along 

So there you have it! Stitch Fix trial one!  I haven't scheduled my next Fix yet but I am certain I will try it again soon! - says the village idiot 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Winter Fun!

Earlier this past summer, I sat down one evening to compile a pretty epic (if I do say so myself) list of fun summer things to do, so aptly named "Summer Fun".  I gathered 30 different ideas - places to go, things to do, etc.  We used this list all summer when we needed an idea for things to do during the week.  It was great and Alexia loved crossing things off the list that we accomplished...I may have helped instill this love of check-lists in her...

Now I will preface this post and say, one of the things I LOVE about living in Maryland are the seasons - defined times of the year in which we experience different temperatures, different elements, different smells, different appropriate activities.  Spring brings new flowers and crisp mornings but warm afternoons.  Summer brings all things related to water, snowcones, and shorts. Autumn brings pumpkin-spiced everything, breathtaking trees changing colors, and warm days but cool nights. 

This brings us to winter.  

I am a fan of winter, don't get me wrong. I love a good snowfall, hot chocolate, and cozy fire more than most people. BUT, having children has tainted my view of winter. Now when I think of winter, I think of the sun going down at what feels like 2pm 5pm, threats of the flu, strep throat, and basically the bubonic plaque when I even THINK about venturing out of the house, and afternoons that can't be passed by simply playing in our backyard baby pool or hulahooping the moments away.  Winter calls for a bit of planning, even more so than Summer Fun.  I think anyone with kiddos understands the trepidation I feel when thinking about what winter has in store for us.  

This inspired me to create a Winter Fun list - with 30 different activities uniquely designed to be completed during the cold, horrible, dreadfully long winter months of December, January, and February.  While this list pertains directly to things to do in Baltimore, many cities offer great resources if you take the time to find them!  

As with Summer Fun, my list is outlined below, complete with links when available. Enjoy!

Please note, that while I hope to utilize this list starting in December, I did not include any Christmas/holiday related activities.  We will be doing many of those, but most likely, as a family, and I wanted this list to capture things to do Monday-Friday.  And the holiday season always flies by as it is!  

**Also, some items are best completed BEFORE December, either because of scheduled closings, or the weather.  

I hope this list helps any other stir-crazy mamas, papas, sitters, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas out there this winter! - says the village idiot 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Happy 10 months Cecilia!

You are almost one year old.  stop it.  stop growing so fast!!! 
But seriously you are so stinking cute that we will allow it to continue.

Likes - waving at everyone, smiling, going up the stairs, standing and cruising around EVERYWHERE.  She has also discovered a recent love of toilet paper - specifically taking every free moment of freedom and hightailing it to the bathroom to work on her task of pulling the entire roll of toilet paper off the roll...I learned this the hard way.  Twice.    
Dislikes - getting wiped down after eating 
Favorite things about Cece - she is SO smiley
Weight - 17 pounds
Height -  26+ inches
Clothing size - 12 months 
Feeding - nurses in the morning, once in the afternoon before naptime, and at night before bed.  She now also eats real food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So.much.eating.

Sleep - Sooooo, a bit of a regression this week...she still sleeps from 8pm-8amish, but this week she has started waking up sometime in the night (sometimes 1am, sometimes 4am, sometimes who-knows-when) to eat and then she goes right back to sleep.  She also takes a morning nap for an hour, and an hour+ afternoon nap.
Milestones - I don't even know what to consider a milestone at this point.  I feel like every day it is something new - dancing to music, climbing stairs, taking a few tentative steps with a walker, basically she will be applying to college next fall.

We love you dearly Cecilia Rose.  Our hearts are so full as we approach your one-year birthday.  You are a dream and we love you to the moon and back! - says the village idiot 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Happy 9 1/2 months Cecilia!

Happy 9 1/2 months Cece!!

Likes - Eating, Playing with EVERYTHING Alexia is playing with...
Dislikes - Getting smotherhugged by Alexia 
Favorite things about Cece - She is so stinking cute!  She is so easy going and very adventurous 
Weight - 17 1/2 pounds
Height - 26 inches 
Clothing size - 9-12 months
Feeding - Nurses around 8am, eats breakfast at 9am, nurses again at noon, then real-people lunch, nurses to go down for her nap at 2pm, dinner at 5pm, nurses to sleep at 8pm.  
Sleep - 2 naps during the day, and nighttime sleep from 8pm-8am.  
Milestones - Dedication to the Lord on August 23rd at Horizon Church of Towson; She is starting to crawl! She now has 4 teeth - 2 on top and 2 on bottom; She is also standing up on everything!  

It is going by TOOFAST! Slow down time, please, I beg of you! - says the village idiot 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Happy 8 months Cecilia!

So I am a little more punctual with this month's post!

Happy 8 months little one!

Likes - Laughing at her sister. Sitting up. Playing with toys. Bath time. Basically she loves life. 
Dislikes - She is starting to develop a personality and this involves crying for .2 seconds when I am keeping her up to play when she would rather be sleeping.
Favorite things about Cece - Oh my goodness, she is just so stinking cute!  We love everything about her! Her sweet smile, her appetite, her easygoing nature, we love it all!
Weight - 16+ pounds
Height - 25+ inches
Clothing size - 12 months
Feeding - Every 3-4 hours during the day
Sleep - Nurses to sleep at 8pm and sleeps until 8am the next day.  
Milestones - Sitting up!  JUST starting to crawl.  Eating more and more real people food.

It is hard to believe the summer is winding down, and with that our baby is nearing the 1 year mark.  It is FLYING by.  All parents say it, but it is the TRUTH!  Having little kiddos is such a joy and such a blessing.  - says the village idiot 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Happy 7 months Cece!

In true second-child fashion, here are Cece's 7th month stats...2 days before her 8 month birthday...oops.  The summer (and time in general) is just going too quickly for me to keep up/slow down and write!  

Likes - Everything!  She still loves nursing, though she has started to try new foods like watermelon and cucumber.  She likes riding in the stroller, playing in her office, and watching Alexia. They get each other laughing and it is the cutest thing. 
Dislikes - ...I'm drawing a blank at anything she doesn't like
Favorite things about Cece - So easygoing.  So smiley.  So chunky!
Weight - 17lbs +
Height - 25 inches +
Clothing size - 12 months
Feeding - Every 3-4 hours during the day
Sleep - She eats one last time at 8pm and sleeps until 8am the next morning.  Phew.  
Milestones - Rolling over a ton, not crawling yet, but possibly soon. She loves to scoot backwards. 

We love you with all our hearts Cece and can't wait to see more of your sweet personality! - says the village idiot