Monday, April 21, 2014

It's Groovy Baby

Today I took Little Lady to Music Together, a early childhood music and movement program.  The class was conveniently less than 10 minutes away and inconveniently right during Little Lady’s naptime.  (She still takes 2 naps, one being about 2 hours after she wakes up in the morning).  

I am happy to say the class was great and the teacher was lovely!  I signed Little Lady up for a free demo class a couple of weeks ago just to see what it was like.  Normally, this particular class runs for a 9 week spring semester and costs $172.  Even though it was a great class, and great opportunity for young kids to be around music and rhythm, it is strikingly similar to the free Story Time we attend every week at the local library.  And library Story Time is free!  And YOU KNOW how I feel about anything that is free – cue Tuesdays at Ikea.  As much as I would absolutely recommend the Music Together class, the difficulty of timing with Little Lady’s naps, and the fact that a very similar free option is offered, probably means I won’t be signing up for the 9 week session anytime soon. 

If anyone has any questions about the free library Story Time, please don’t hesitate to ask! I have been taking Little Lady to Story Time since she was about 6 months old.  She loves it and it is a great way to get out and about, and expose children to books, reading, songs, other kids, etc.  We attend every Friday at 11am at our local library.  If it is a nice day, we even walk there and back!  What a blessing to have such great activities in our neighborhood!  We try not to take them for granted! – says the village idiot 

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