Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Science Experiment UPDATE

A while back I attempted a science experiment.  It was my Pinterest Challenge for the week and today I'm bringing you an update.  

I read on Pinterest that you can plant green onions in water and they will grow back, and you can plant the top of a pineapple in dirt and it will grow another pineapple.  I was skeptical of both these claims but decided to try none-the-less.  I am happy to say, today, almost 6 weeks later, one of them succeeded!

As a reminder - this is what my green onions looked like the day I "planted" them:

This is what they looked like a week later, and what they look like today!

Pretty good right?!   They actually grew, A LOT!  

Now for the pineapple...

The fresh, newly "planted" pineapple

Maybe I cut too much off, maybe I didn't water it enough, maybe it didn't get enough sun, maybe you just can't grow a pineapple like this.  Your guess is as good as mine but here is that same pineapple today:

Nothing grew.  No roots.  No yummy pineapple for us.  

1 out of 2 science experiments isn't terrible!  The green onions worked great and I have not had to buy any for 6 weeks.  The pineapple on the other hand, I will continue to buy from the grocery store each time we have a craving.  Has anyone else had any lucky growing a pineapple in a pot? - says the village idiot

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