Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Trim

I didn’t know that grass doesn’t grow in the summer.

Let me know re-phrase – I didn’t know grass doesn’t grow well in the summer.

Let me give you some background to this post.  I love our house, BUT when we bought it, it needed a lot of work - mostly cosmetic, but still a lot of work.  For the first few months before Little Lady arrived, we The Hubby focused most of our his efforts on the inside of the house (painting, changing outlets, renovating a bathroom, etc).  Our backyard took a backseat to the transformation.   We did have several “work days” in which my parents and grandparents, and The Hubby’s parents joined us to rip out A TON of overgrown plants and bushes.  One of the prior owners of our house was a bit of a…crazy plant lady.  She planted over 100 species of plants in the yard.  100!! Yes, you read that correctly.  And our yard isn’t even that big!  We have learned that some of these species are even outlawed in the State of Maryland or something.  So, they had to go! Not everything, but most things.  I try to help The Hubby when I can, and now that the Little Lady takes predictable naps during the day, I have been able to get outside for several hours a week to weed and kill take care of my garden. 

A few weeks ago, I decided to take matters into my own hands regarding an unsightly hydrangea bush in our front yard.  It offended me.  It was overgrown and floppy and I wanted it gone.  I thought I would give it a little trim, and then The Hubby would plant some grass seed and voila! – A couple weeks later we would have grass where the plant had been! 


It was only after I trimmed the offending plant, that The Hubby informed me that summer is too hot to grow grass and we had to wait until the fall.

What?!? Is this news to anyone else?? I mean, it makes sense, I guess. 

This is our yard before and after The Trim

Upon further review of the hydrangea after The Trim, I realized it had grown even more out-of-control than I anticipated and had spread over a big section of our yard.  Our goal this upcoming weekend is to finish it off trimming, and then plant some grass seed (now that it is fall and all).  

If you are trying to grow grass, you may want to consider waiting until the fall when grass is more likely to grow - says the village idiot 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our Backyard - the Last Frontier

I grew a garden this year.  I planted seeds and watched dirt all summer. 

I had lofty goals of growing a garden the moment we moved into our house last spring.  With indoor home improvements and a big-ol’-baby-belly, I did not get around to planting a garden.  When this spring rolled around though, we were ready!  We went to the FlowerMart in May to learn about seeds and plants and dirt.  We bought some seeds and felt adequately prepared.  I also read some blogs and tips on pinterest, which basically makes me an expert. The Hubby built me a fantastic raised bed to grow all the delicious veggies we would be eating all summer.  

I had already decided which neighbors and friends I was going to humbly dish out my veggies to, since “we would just have too much for ourselves!”

Yeah – about that

The picture below is our harvest this year: cucumbers, strings beans, and carrots.

Please note the string bean – oh, you can’t see it?  Here, I’ll zoom in for you:

My carrots surprisingly did the best, even though, no, fellow gardeners out there, I did not plant them in sand.  They probably did so well because they were hiding under the ground from my bad gardening juju.

I chalked this season up to a learning year.  I am not giving up.  I learned that you have to water the plants, preferably in the morning, and that it is best to start my seedlings indoors and then move and plant them outdoors in late April/early May. 

I did HOWEVER, successfully grow blueberries earlier this year!  We got about 5 blueberries from our two bushes! Score!! (They take about 2 years to actually have a bountiful season, so next year I am expecting plenty of blueberries for pies!) 

I will feed my family with the fruits and veggies of my labor next year! – says the village idiot

Monday, September 16, 2013

Know your symbols

I think the library is a very underutilized resource.  With the influx of nooks, e-readers, iPads, etc., I feel like people have stopped going to library and reading actual books.  I am determined to not let this happen, at least not for my family.  I am usually reading 3-4 books at a time and 90% of them come from the library.  Our local library is less than 1 mile from our house, which is perfect for me to run in and pick up the books that I have reserved online.   I have an online library account and I simply log on from my laptop iPhone, find the book I want, and have it sent to my local library.  I get an email (usually 2-3 days later) letting me know my book is ready for pick-up.  I have about 7 days to pick it up, which usually gives me enough time to finish whatever library book I am currently reading.  This library feature is awesome and I would highly recommend it! 

The only downside in retrieving books from the library this way, is that I don't actually get to see the book until I swing by the library front desk and check it out.  So, last week, I reserved a book (David Sedaris' new book "Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls" if you must know), and then promptly received an email that it was waiting patiently for me at the library.  I swung by and picked it up, without checking for any thing other than the correct title.


Just in case you ever reserve a book online, take a second to review the symbols.  I neglected to look closely at the symbol next to my new Sedaris book:

This quaint little symbol means large print.  Get it? LP? Yeah, well, I didn't put 2 and 2 together until I got home and looked down to see why my new book was almost 5 HUNDRED PAGES long.  Oh right, because there is an average of 15 WORDS PER PAGE.   

Review the symbols when you reserve your books at the library or your "200-page easy-read" might have turned into a "500-page even-easier-read" - says the village idiot

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Welcome Paisley!

This past weekend I had the honor of hosting a baby shower for a good friend of mine, Anna Arpasi, whose baby girl is due in October.  The ladies at my church, Horizon Church of Towson, helped plan the shower and bring it all together.  We decided to go with a “food & book” theme for Anna’s shower.  We each chose a food item that corresponds with a baby book.  Anna then took the books home with her to start her collection for Baby Paisley!  

Welcome Paisley! I am sure Mommy and Daddy will spend many hours reading to you!  You are loved already by many! We are excited to welcome you to the "village" soon! - says the village idiot 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Travel Essentials for Baby

Little Lady and I have been home almost a week since our trip out west with The Hubby.  Since returning home, I wrote a post regarding Airplane Essentials for Baby, and in this post, I will review my overall favorite travel essentials for baby.

***Please keep in mind that at the time of our trip, Little Lady was 10 ½ months old, so these items apply to a baby around that age.  I am sure my essentials list would be very different if traveling with a newborn or a toddler***

#1. Sippy spouts - These were a total impulse buy when I was at Babies R Us one afternoon.  They turned out to be a great purchase though.  They are great for travel because it allows any water bottle that The Hubby and I were drinking, to become a sippy cup for Little Lady. 

#2. Baby backpack carrier - **Especially if you are doing any sort of hiking** – We bought a used Deuter Kid Comfort about a week before we left for Cali and we love it!  (We borrowed one from The Hubby’s co-worker first to see if Little Lady liked it).  We researched kid carriers and we settled on the Deuter Kid Comfort because of the distribution of weight, cushion for Little Lady, ample pockets for diapers, food, etc., and the adjustability of the straps.  Deuter also makes attachments like a sun shade that you can buy separately if you want.  The Deuter is so comfortable that we were able to hike during Little Lady’s nap time and she fell right asleep even while hiking up a mountain.  I would highly recommend a backpack kid carrier versus a front carrier for hiking.

#3. Noise machine – Little Lady sleeps with a noise machine at home and I was apprehensive about packing this awkward-shaped item.   It did, however, really come in handy.  While on vacation, all 3 of us were sharing a hotel room, and the noise machine allowed the Hubby and I to put Little Lady’s crib in a corner of the room, turn on the noise machine, and then relax and talk without fearing we would wake her.  It also helped drown out the noise from other hotel guests walking down the hallway.

#4. Disposable diapers and wipes – I should clarify that we usually use cloth diapers and wipes.  During past weekend trips, I have brought ALL our cloth diapers with us and it hasn’t been a problem, but for any trip over 3 days, I have found it MUCH easier to buy a pack of disposables.  Plus, sometimes it’s nice to have a small break from the every-other-day diaper laundry regiment :) 

#5. Muslin Cloth Blankets – These can be used for baby when chilly, as a spit up rag, nursing cover, really anything that involves fabric and coverage.  Sometimes I think I might have ended up with a “blankie” if I had one of these when I was a baby! 

Overall, I felt pretty prepared while traveling with Little Lady.  I tried to bring some comforts from home, while still strategically packing everything we own into one suitcase and backpack.  I am already looking forward to our next family adventure! - says the village idiot 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Go Cowboys!

It is officially football season at our house 

Since The Hubby and I got married, we have welcomed the start of football season with wings and beer.  Tonight, we continue the tradition watching the Cowboys versus the Giants!

Go Cowboys! 

Potty training at 11 months

**Disclaimer! This post makes reference to poop!**

Still here? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Let me preface this story by saying that we usually give Little Lady a bath every night as part of her routine (bath, book, nurse, bed).  Recently, with some summer evening events, we have started giving her a bath every other night.  Tonight was an “on” night.  Bath time usually lands on my resume, but occasionally The Hubby will pitch in and throw Little Lady in the tub.  After begging asking for a couple minutes, The Hubby agreed to take point tonight.  About 20 minutes later, from the upstairs bath, I hear the following:

“Oh no. Oh no. She’s pooping. She’s pooping right now! In the tub! I can’t do this. I can’t do this.” 

I rush to the bathroom to see, that yes, she has indeed pooped in the tub.  I should also clarify at this point, that Little Lady likes to recline while bathing, READ: I still use a baby bath tub so she doesn’t slam back and break her skull.  SO, please understand, when I say she “pooped in the tub,” she actually pooped ON her mesh bathtub.  I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

The Hubby has since vacated the bathroom the moment I came on to the scene.  Instead of doing the intelligent thing and PUTTING LITTLE LADY ON THE TOILET RIGHT BEHIND ME, I wait, you know, to make sure she’s done. 

She wasn’t.  I will spare you the details, but she wasn’t done…pooping. 

After about an eternity 3 minutes, I come to the revelation that THERE IS A TOILET BEHIND ME. 

Well, she was done. 

There is poop on my hands, poop on Little Lady’s back, poop on/squished into her tub, and The Hubby is nowhere to be found. 

Fast forward an eternity 5 minutes, and The Hubby has returned to the scene of the crime, the tub has been scrubbed and disinfected, the baby bath tub has been scrubbed and disinfected, and Little Lady is enjoying a nice, warm bath again. 

I think The Hubby is scarred for life. 

Moral of the story – if your child is literally going to the bathroom, in the bathroom, utilize the toilet.  That’s why its’ in there. – says the village idiot

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Airplane Essentials for Baby

Our recent trip to California was my first time traveling on a plane with Little Lady.  She did great, but there were definitely items that made our travel, and overall vacation easier.  I have outlined below my top 5 items for traveling on a plane with a baby.

***Please keep in mind that at the time of our trip, Little Lady was 10 ½ months old, so these items apply to a baby around that age.  I am sure my essentials list would be very different if traveling with a newborn or a toddler***

#1 Ergo – INDISPENSABLE!  If you are traveling and do not own an Ergo, buy one or borrow one!  We bought ours used on Craigslist and it is worth its weight in gold.  I pushed Little Lady through the airport in our stroller, but the moment we got on the plane, I secured the waist buckle of the Ergo, and then just sat Little Lady in my lap.  When she got tired, I simply pulled up the Ergo and she fell right asleep. So Easy!

#2 Pacifier – Little Lady loves her pacifier.  It is really the only thing she needs to fall asleep, so of course, this was must have for us.  It also helped with the pressure during the ascent and descent.  I would highly suggest attaching the pacifier to a Booginhead pacifier strap, or any type of strap that can be secured to the pacifier, and the other end secured to the baby.  Anything to make life easier is such a blessing!

Booginhead Pacifier Clip 

#3 Backpack – I have a Kate Spade Diaper Bag that I absolutely adore, but unfortunately it got the boot in order for me to carry a really classy backpack through the airport.  I was able to throw the backpack over my shoulder, as well as keep my items separate in all the different pockets so I could find things quickly when needed.

Jansport backpack 

#4 Entertainment Food – I fondly call this category “entertainment food.”  By that, I mean it is not food I normally would give Little Lady.  I have nothing against this food, but Little Lady usually just eats what I eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I don’t find myself eating purĂ©ed baby food out of a pouch often.  They were, however, extremely valuable on the plane and in the airport. I was worried that I would be stopped and strip-searched and taken into a windowless room for trying to smuggle baby food through security, but they did not delay me at all!  What a relief.   I also made the last minute decision before boarding the plane, to buy a plain bagel for Little Lady.  This was a GREAT decision.  She was able to chew/gnaw/eat the bagel, and it provided a good 45 minutes of entertainment.  This was VITAL on a 5 hour flight. 

Earth's Best puree pouches

#5 Stroller – Kind of obvious, but indispensable none-the-less.   Our City Mini GT is very easy to maneuver in tight spaces, and easy to break down.  Literally with one pull, the stroller folds in half and is completely manageable with one hand.  And yes, for those wondering, security will make you fold it down and put it through the conveyer belt.

City Mini GT Stroller

***note to those traveling with a stroller that has cute little attachments like cup holders, or toys - they will get ripped off when you stow your stroller during the flight!  Be forewarned! Remove everything that is not secured!! I made a point to remove everything but Little Lady’s stuffed owl rattle, and sadly, it did not return with the stroller on our first flight.  It was my mistake and I learned the next time around***  

I hope you find this brief list helpful if you ever find yourself in an airport with a baby.  If anyone has any other flight "essentials" please let me know, as I am always looking to improve traveling with the Little Lady! - says the village idiot 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

We're Back!

The Hubby has been working out near the west coast the past couple weeks so the Little Lady and I flew out last Thursday to spend the long holiday weekend with him. We decided this would be a fun time to take a mini-vacation to California to do some hiking and sightseeing.  Little did we know that we wouldn’t do very much hiking, due to the forest fires ablaze in Yosemite and Lake Tahoe.   We still had a great time though!  We made memories sipping wine and stomping grapes at Sterling Vineyards in Napa Valley, taking in the sights along the 17-mile drive and Fisherman’s Wharf in Monterey, hiking in Big Sur State Park among the giant redwoods, and hiking along the coast in San Francisco. 

Little Lady did great on all our flights, which was a huge relief to me!  (As well as all the passengers of our flights)

Life's adventures never go without hiccups though, as I experienced the morning of our departure.   I will spare you the picture (yes, I did take one) of Little Lady’s crib when I went into her room to wake her up that morning. Little Lady and her entire crib were covered in throw-up, yes throw-up. 

Did I mention we were leaving for the airport in 45 minutes?!?

Sometime in the middle of night she had gotten sick without me realizing.  Cue mama guilt.  I felt horrible.  She felt horrible.  It seems the berries I had given her for dinner the night before did not “sit right.”  I stripped her clothes, stripped her bed, all while keeping a close eye on any more possible events.   I nursed her briefly, and was about to get her dressed, when I realized I could not take her all the way across the country smelling like throw-up.  (you’re welcome airline seatmates).  After a quick bath and quick breakfast, we were back in business and the Little Lady was laughing and back to her old self.  I was only mildly traumatized by the event.  

So began our trip to California! 

Some pictures are below for your viewing enjoyment!

Stomping grapes 

Riding the Sky Tram to Sterling Winery on top of the mountain 

The Lone Cyprus, 17-mile drive  

Giant Redwoods in Big Sur State Park

Our first bottle of wine from Napa Valley  

San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge 

West Coast sunset - gorgeous!

What a blessing it is to experience God's creation with the loves of my life.  Even in the middle of the throw-up debacle, and adventures on numerous flights with a 10-month old, I still am in awe at how blessed I am to live this incredible life.  - says the village idiot