Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge

Every December, The Hubby and I make goals for the upcoming year, as well as review our goals from the previous year. (We usually review our goals throughout the year as well to see our progress).  Sometimes we do great in achieving our goals, and sometimes we fall short, but that is why they are called GOALS. 

That brings us to our 2014 goal planning. 

Like most of the female population, I am somewhat infatuated with Pinterest and the endless craftiness it allows me to dream about. I am not what you would call a crafty person, but I try, usually to the amusement of The Hubby or anyone else who has the privilege of seeing my creations. 

For the year 2014, one of my goals is to attempt one Pinterest craft per week, with some yearly Pinterest challenges thrown in for good measure.  I am going to document my progress, including all the crafty success and failures. 

For the first week of January, I am just going to dip my toe in the craft ocean with something pretty straightforward…and hard to mess up. 

Enter: Pinterest Craft Week One

Duh duh duhhhhhhhhhh!

The Memory Jar:

Throughout the year I am going to add "memories" to the jar for us to review at the end of year 2014.  As you can see, I have already added two "memories!"  I am looking forward to all that 2014 has in store for our little family.  

Another challenge I have embarked on for the year 2014 is the "52 Week Money Challenge": 

The Little Lady and I babysit a couple hours a week for a sweet family that lives nearby.  I am going to stock away my babysitting money each week in the predetermined amounts for the entirety of the year.  I am excited to see my money add up without even realizing I am saving!  Let's hope it goes that smoothly...

I know some people are jaded by making resolutions every year that most likely won't make it past January, but The Hubby and I do find value in having goals to keep us focused forward and striving to grow ourselves in little ways over the year.  Does anyone else have creative resolutions or goals for the year 2014? - says the village idiot  

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