Friday, January 24, 2014

The Ultimate Mommy Fail

One might think the ultimate mommy fail would be accidentally locking your child in a bedroom by themselves and having to call the fire department to get them out, but nope, the ultimate mommy fail is something much worse, much much worse...

Losing a Lovey 

I always wanted Little Lady to have a Lovey, something cute that she couldn't live without.  It would be a safe place for her when she was sad or if we dropped her off somewhere without mommy or daddy. Yeah, well, I did not anticipate what happens when said Lovey goes missing.

We lost a good friend today. A faithful friend. 

While avoiding the terrible horrible 9°weather outside mall walking today, we lost our faithful penguin friend. He was very soft and cuddly and might have been the perfect lovey. He and Little Lady must have been having a spat though because, unbeknownst to me, she tossed him out the side of the stroller. I noticed too late and though we made laps and laps around our mall, we couldn't find him. We checked the security office but we couldn't find him. We did more laps around the mall but couldn't find him. 

What is a mommy to do?...

Order a new one on the Internet when she got home!  Thank goodness for the Internet and online shopping. The new Lovey should arrive in 5 to 7 business days.  Let's hope she doesn't notice the difference - says the village idiot 

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