Tuesday, January 28, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - Week 4

The fun continues with wine corks!

This craft was actually a lot harder than I anticipated - as is most crafts I see on Pinterest that look easy and are actually excruciating difficult to execute.  

I started with all my supplies:

And yes, the cutting board was crucial.

I had to viciously saw each cork in half - 

Like so: 

Any ideas what I could be creating?...

Getting closer?...

Wine cork magnets!! 

Amazing, I know.  Don't everyone go scrambling out to the liquor store at once now. 

I had originally planned on cutting four corks to make the magnets but then I realized that each cork makes two magnets, and eight "2 Buck Chuck" wine corks was a little too many for our fridge.
(For those that are not lucky enough to live by a Trader Joe's, "2 Buck Chuck" is the wine sold exclusively by Trader Joe's for around $3.00).  Quite a deal for tasty wine.  Trader Joe's actually is not allowed to sell wine in Maryland, so a family member who lives in Virginia buys it for us and smuggles brings it across the Maryland border.

You're welcome Trader Joe's for free advertising, and all my fellow Pinterest crafters out there - this was a very simple craft for those that don't value your fingertips.  Cut carefully! - says the village idiot   

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