Friday, February 28, 2014

Exploring Port Discovery

Today, I took Little Lady to Port Discovery, a Children's Museum in Baltimore.  We met up with a friend of mine that I used to work with, and her son who is a couple months younger than Little Lady. We had a great time exploring the toddler room, as well as visiting the "water room" with a huge winding water table and fountains of water coming up from the floor.    

It was hard to get Little Lady to look up from playing for a picture but I caught a few of her in action!

Admission price is $13.95 for adults, and free for all children under 2.   
They offer great deals, like Thrifty Tuesdays & Thursdays with discounted prices of $8.00 from 1-4:30pm.  When we go back I will definitely try and take advantage of the discounted admission!  - says the village idiot 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - Thanks a Latte

This is the last card craft I promise!! At least for now. 

The Supplies:

There is one thing missing from this picture - a Starbucks sleeve 

This morning when I woke up, my intention was to head to Starbucks to get a drink and the sleeve I needed, but a couple naps and inches of snow later, I found myself running an errand at Barnes and Nobles and stopping by their cafe.  It just so happens that while I was there, I didn't feel like getting a Starbucks drink.  I rarely drink coffee at all anymore, and I had already had 2 cups of tea, so I awkwardly asked the cashier if I could just have a sleeve without a drink attached.  She obliged, probably thinking I had my drink sitting on a nearby table somewhere.  I awkwardly wandered around the mugs and pencil sets a few minutes before making my way towards the escalator and the door.  

Thus, my final project lacks a certain quality that I had originally planned...

The pinterest picture I had in mind is below:

So, mine didn't turn out exactly had planned, but the idea is still there.  I haven't decided who I am going to give this treasure to yet, but they will be blessed to receive it! - says the village idiot 

Monday, February 24, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - Today I Have Loved You

This is a 2-for-1 Pinterest Challenge post! You're welcome.

In case you haven't noticed, I am a little behind on my Pinterest crafts this month...3 weeks to be exact.  I completed 2 crafts today that I am going to share!  

First things first - some background information - The Hubby and I have known each other a loooooonnnnnngggggg time. We were in the same kindergarden class, started dating when we were 15, dated for 7 years before we got married, and have been married for 4 1/2 wonderful crazy sometimes-long make-me-pull-my-hair-out years.  

We almost always do something for Valentine's Day, but this year we went to Florida to visit my parents over the Valentine's holiday. We had a great time, perfect weather, delicious food, and we even managed to miss the 18+ inches that fell in our neighborhood back at home.  The Hubby and I also took a trip to Orlando to go the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (and left Little Lady with my parents - how rude of us!).  With all that being said, Valentine's Day came and went while we were traveling.

Enter - today's crafts:

The supplies:
Sharpies, pencil, scissors, yes - a nail file - I was too lazy to go upstairs and get the ruler,
 cardstock, stencil set
Step 1: Draw lines using nail file and pencil
Step 2: Test out awesome stencils
Step 3: Erase penciled stencil and re-do using desired Sharpie color

Final project: 

A card for The Hubby waiting for him when he got home from work.

I used a Date Duration Calculator to figure out the exact number of days.  

Craft #2:

Same supplies as above

Step 1: Trace Little Lady's hands (you might not be able to tell, but that is what the picture below reveals)

Step 2: Cut out hand prints

Step 3: Glue hands together using another piece of cardstock to reveal...

Little Lady's Valentine's Day card to Daddy!

I am pretty happy with the way they both turned out!

For those of you who have never traced a child's hand (this was me before today), it is very difficult!  As with most Pinterest projects I've chosen, I begin regretting my decision at some point.  Today that moment occurred while I attempted to hold Little Lady down to trace her hand.  Fortunately I have a very patient child and I was able to sing a little song to get her in the hand-tracing mood.  

On another note, I am pretty much in love with stencils now.  I wouldn't say I have worst handwriting, but I definitely don't have the best.  Stencils are the perfect solution and I intend to use them again! - says the village idiot 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Giving Groovebook a Go

I love Shark Tank - the ABC TV show that highlights entrepreneurs seeking an investment from multi-millionaire "sharks".  

I just recently became a fan of the show, but it has quickly become one of my favorites.  I love seeing people's ingenuity and hearing the back and forth talk of business deals.  

I have also become what I fondly call a Shark Tank Consumer - buying several products immediately after they are featured on the show.  Some of these include Scrub Daddy, and PSI Acupressure Bands.

Several months ago a product was featured that I thought was brilliant, so of course I downloaded the app while watching the show, and let it sit on my iPhone unused for a few months.  

This particular product is the Groovebook

For a $2.99 subscription each month, I can upload 100 pictures from my iPhone and Groovebook will mail me the pictures in a Groovebook every 30 days.  

I have so many pictures on my phone that never get printed or used for anything other than Facebook or Photo Stream! Now I get 100 pictures mailed to me every month for only $2.99 (that includes the price of the photos and the shipping)!  I plan on putting some in the Little Lady's photo album, and giving many more to family. At any time I can cancel the subscription...which I might be doing in 6 months or so when I have 600 pictures! - says the village idiot 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Potty Training Step by Step

Step 1: Sit on potty

Step 2: Smile for photo op

Step 3: Read book

Step 4: Get stuck in potty and cry

Step 5: Continue to cry and attempt escape until rescue

I think we've got potty training covered wouldn't you say?! - says the village idiot 

The Ultimate Mommy Fail Saga Continues

The Ultimate Mommy Fail saga continues.

After losing Little Lady's lovey at the mall, and ordering a new one right when I got home, I thought I had successfully handled the fail, but no, more surprises are always arriving.

This surprised arrived by mail a couple days later.  

Little Lady's new lovey arrived, except he looked different.  Some might even say he looked angry.  And by "some", I mean me. 

Does anyone else notice that he looks angry??? Please say it isn't just me.  

I tried to look past it.  I tried to picture him as the cuddly, friendly lovey we lost, but I couldn't do it.  I couldn't get past his angry eyes and frowning beak.  Little Lady didn't love him either.  

What's a mama to do now?? 

Well, I sent an email to the company is what I did. I calmly explained that I had ordered this penguin for my daughter, and I may have used the words "very dissatisfied with product" and "poorly made" and maybe even thrown in "looks angry"...I stated that I had always liked this company's products, but that I wouldn't be ordering online anymore.  I also asked if there was anything they could do, such as send me a friendlier penguin free of charge...The Hubby thought I was crazy for asking, and my friends laughed that my email was probably printed and hung on a break room bulletin board but it was worth a shot!

The NEXT DAY I received an email reply apologizing for my disappointment in the order, and a note that they were sending me a hand chosen "friendlier" penguin free of charge! 

3 days later, Little Lady's SECOND, friendlier replacement lovey arrived.  I have coined him the name "The Understudy." She's seems to have taken to The Understudy a little better, and for now, Angry Lovey is hidden in her closet just in case we need him.  

**For anyone wondering - the company we ordered The Understudy from is Aurora, sold through The Animal Kingdom company.  Overall, I would highly recommend their products, and because of this experience, I would highly recommend their customer service as well! - says the village idiot  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - It's Not The Worst Thing I've Ever Seen

I've been avoiding this craft all week, and waiting until the very last minute to complete, frankly because I anticipated it would be my first fail of the 2014 Pinterest Challenge.  But alas, today during Little Lady's nap time, I had to bite the bullet and attempt it - The Burlap Wreath

My supplies:

My thoughts while assembling this picture: "How the heck is that going to turn into a wreath?!?!?!"  But I pressed on.  

Step 1: Weave the burlap through the wire base

Step 1a: After I took this picture, I realized I actually had to measure out how much burlap I needed because I could not shove this entire roll through the wire slats.

Let me also clarify - the tutorial I read while meandering the isles of Michael's said I would need 2 yards of burlap for this project...the smallest batch of burlap I could find was 10 yards.  In the shopping cart it went.  What I'm trying to say here is, you might see more burlap projects in the future...I digress

Step 2: Wind the burlap in and out of all the wire slats, looping each section, and fluffing it out to desired size.  

Step 2a: Halfway through, I came to the conclusion that I did not cut enough burlap.

Step 3: Cut more burlap. Repeat step 2. 

Step 4: Gaze in awe at what you just created:

My thoughts while taking this picture: "It's not the worst thing I've ever seen."  

The reason The Hubby keeps letting me go to Michael's nice thing about a burlap wreath is that I can undo the burlap at any time and repurpose the burlap for its original use as a bag for potatoes start over.  I can also add flowers and other lovely things for the different seasons.  

I didn't take a picture of this wreath hanging on our front door because I don't think our neighbors are ready for its beauty yet.  I wouldn't want to make them feel bad or anything for their lack of creativity and Pinterest skills.  In time friends, in time - says the village idiot