Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Ultimate Mommy Fail Saga Continues

The Ultimate Mommy Fail saga continues.

After losing Little Lady's lovey at the mall, and ordering a new one right when I got home, I thought I had successfully handled the fail, but no, more surprises are always arriving.

This surprised arrived by mail a couple days later.  

Little Lady's new lovey arrived, except he looked different.  Some might even say he looked angry.  And by "some", I mean me. 

Does anyone else notice that he looks angry??? Please say it isn't just me.  

I tried to look past it.  I tried to picture him as the cuddly, friendly lovey we lost, but I couldn't do it.  I couldn't get past his angry eyes and frowning beak.  Little Lady didn't love him either.  

What's a mama to do now?? 

Well, I sent an email to the company is what I did. I calmly explained that I had ordered this penguin for my daughter, and I may have used the words "very dissatisfied with product" and "poorly made" and maybe even thrown in "looks angry"...I stated that I had always liked this company's products, but that I wouldn't be ordering online anymore.  I also asked if there was anything they could do, such as send me a friendlier penguin free of charge...The Hubby thought I was crazy for asking, and my friends laughed that my email was probably printed and hung on a break room bulletin board but it was worth a shot!

The NEXT DAY I received an email reply apologizing for my disappointment in the order, and a note that they were sending me a hand chosen "friendlier" penguin free of charge! 

3 days later, Little Lady's SECOND, friendlier replacement lovey arrived.  I have coined him the name "The Understudy." She's seems to have taken to The Understudy a little better, and for now, Angry Lovey is hidden in her closet just in case we need him.  

**For anyone wondering - the company we ordered The Understudy from is Aurora, sold through The Animal Kingdom company.  Overall, I would highly recommend their products, and because of this experience, I would highly recommend their customer service as well! - says the village idiot  

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