Monday, February 24, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - Today I Have Loved You

This is a 2-for-1 Pinterest Challenge post! You're welcome.

In case you haven't noticed, I am a little behind on my Pinterest crafts this month...3 weeks to be exact.  I completed 2 crafts today that I am going to share!  

First things first - some background information - The Hubby and I have known each other a loooooonnnnnngggggg time. We were in the same kindergarden class, started dating when we were 15, dated for 7 years before we got married, and have been married for 4 1/2 wonderful crazy sometimes-long make-me-pull-my-hair-out years.  

We almost always do something for Valentine's Day, but this year we went to Florida to visit my parents over the Valentine's holiday. We had a great time, perfect weather, delicious food, and we even managed to miss the 18+ inches that fell in our neighborhood back at home.  The Hubby and I also took a trip to Orlando to go the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (and left Little Lady with my parents - how rude of us!).  With all that being said, Valentine's Day came and went while we were traveling.

Enter - today's crafts:

The supplies:
Sharpies, pencil, scissors, yes - a nail file - I was too lazy to go upstairs and get the ruler,
 cardstock, stencil set
Step 1: Draw lines using nail file and pencil
Step 2: Test out awesome stencils
Step 3: Erase penciled stencil and re-do using desired Sharpie color

Final project: 

A card for The Hubby waiting for him when he got home from work.

I used a Date Duration Calculator to figure out the exact number of days.  

Craft #2:

Same supplies as above

Step 1: Trace Little Lady's hands (you might not be able to tell, but that is what the picture below reveals)

Step 2: Cut out hand prints

Step 3: Glue hands together using another piece of cardstock to reveal...

Little Lady's Valentine's Day card to Daddy!

I am pretty happy with the way they both turned out!

For those of you who have never traced a child's hand (this was me before today), it is very difficult!  As with most Pinterest projects I've chosen, I begin regretting my decision at some point.  Today that moment occurred while I attempted to hold Little Lady down to trace her hand.  Fortunately I have a very patient child and I was able to sing a little song to get her in the hand-tracing mood.  

On another note, I am pretty much in love with stencils now.  I wouldn't say I have worst handwriting, but I definitely don't have the best.  Stencils are the perfect solution and I intend to use them again! - says the village idiot 

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