Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - Thanks a Latte

This is the last card craft I promise!! At least for now. 

The Supplies:

There is one thing missing from this picture - a Starbucks sleeve 

This morning when I woke up, my intention was to head to Starbucks to get a drink and the sleeve I needed, but a couple naps and inches of snow later, I found myself running an errand at Barnes and Nobles and stopping by their cafe.  It just so happens that while I was there, I didn't feel like getting a Starbucks drink.  I rarely drink coffee at all anymore, and I had already had 2 cups of tea, so I awkwardly asked the cashier if I could just have a sleeve without a drink attached.  She obliged, probably thinking I had my drink sitting on a nearby table somewhere.  I awkwardly wandered around the mugs and pencil sets a few minutes before making my way towards the escalator and the door.  

Thus, my final project lacks a certain quality that I had originally planned...

The pinterest picture I had in mind is below:

So, mine didn't turn out exactly had planned, but the idea is still there.  I haven't decided who I am going to give this treasure to yet, but they will be blessed to receive it! - says the village idiot 

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